About Us

We make your pet looks awesome!
Healthy Verified Foods Organic Supplements Long lasting clothes Cool Accessories Tender Care Spa Grooming Products Trusted Staffs Budget Friendly Rates Awesome Experiences
We are Proud!
We Are Proud Of Our Range And We Hope You Love It As Much As We Do.
Pepper & Murphy's is inspired by our two pooches of the same name. They are the models you see on the website and usually come with us to any doggy day events in Sydney.
Pepper & Murphy’s dog grooming salon was established to provide affordable products for pet owners. As owners, all we want to do is spoil our furbabies but hesitate to proceed due to the hefty price tag that goes with it, especially those with 2 or more pets.
Our range of products is the tri-factor. They are affordable, comfortable and make your pets look more awesome than they already are.